On Thursday 7 November 2024, members, former members, family and friends came together to celebrate a remarkable milestone. 100 years of Dundee Dramatic Society. A civic reception was held to commemorate this momentous occasion.

I’m both thankful and proud to serve as the current Chairman. One hundred years ago, a newspaper advert requested like minded individuals interested in starting a dramatic society attend the smoke room of Kidds Rooms in Reform Street. 86 passionate individuals answered the call and Dundee Dramatic Society was born. In November 1924, Dundee Dramatic Society performed their first ever play to a paying public (three, one act plays performed at the Training College). For a century we have performed plays – in the early years we performed in theatres throughout Dundee and surrounding areas – raising money for numerous charities. In 1936 we leased an old Jute store and with help from members it was transformed it into The Little Theatre. It remains our home to this day, at the foot of the Hilltown.
During the war our society provided an important service with members helping to set up and run the garrison theatre troupe, and tour to camps nearby to entertain the troops. Some of our members helped establish the Scottish Community Drama Association. And we gave the fledgling Dundee Rep a home – it was in our Green room that founding Rep member and future Hollywood star Richard Todd said he met his first friends in Dundee. We’ve even had a couple of past members go on to film and Hollywood fame.
Today, we continue to perform four shows a year and rent out our space to other groups within the community. Since Covid we have performed to sold out audiences, and have enjoyed putting on popular plays such as Columbo, Dads Army, Blithe Spirit, and some Agatha Christie who-dunnits. All of our successes past and present are thanks to our dedicated members whose passion and commitment has given us 100 wonderful years, and hopefully many more to come.
Here’s to the many stories yet to be told.
Gillian Hunter
(Chairperson, 2021-2024)