Saturday was the final performance of The Girl on the Train. Director Jacob Harrison wanted to try something new, use sound, light and projection together to help tell the story, and it worked very well. It was exciting to use new equipment to tell a story in a different way and it sounded like our audiences enjoyed it. The cast had a lot of fun during this one, and DDS want to thank Zoe Skivington for stepping in at the last minute and taking over the role of Anna (Zoe and baby pictured with rest of the cast in the green room)
Well done to all cast, crew and front of house helpers.
As one play ends the preparation for another one begins. We will be bringing Columbo’s first mystery to the stage, directed by Elma Longair. This will be the perfect way to end our season of mystery thrillers. Casting will take place in next couple of weeks, but we’re not holding open auditions for this one. I look forward to announcing the cast list soon.